Japan Local Government Centre (JLGC) : London > Publications > Newsletter > Fukushima Green Reconstruction Initiative – Reconstruction Initiatives that Make the Most of Natural Resources



Fukushima Green Reconstruction Initiative – Reconstruction Initiatives that Make the Most of Natural Resources

Background and objectives of the initiative  

Fukushima Prefecture covers an extensive area of approximately 13,700 square kilometres, with nature parks such as Oze National Park and Bandai Asahi National Park covering 13% of the prefecture’s land area. Nature parks used to attract more than 16 million visitors annually, but since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the number of visitors to the nature parks has declined significantly. Considering this situation and the needs of the various areas in the prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture and the Ministry of the Environment jointly formulated the Fukushima Green Reconstruction Concept in April 2019 to promote appropriate use while preserving natural heritage and increasing the population number of visitors to the prefecture. 

Specific initiatives  

The concept has three pillars:   

  • improving the attractiveness of national parks and quasi-national parks; 
  • assessing prefectural natural parks’ environmental changes;  
  • expanding tourism in Fukushima Prefecture with a focus on national parks and quasi-national parks 

Improving the attractiveness of national parks and quasi-national parks

The first focus is refurbishing declining promenades and signs in national parks, identifying viewpoints, promoting eco-tourism, and securing secondary transportation. A specific example of redevelopment is the Ozenuma Visitor Centre, which reopened in July 2022. The centre’s enhanced lecture functions have made it a more suitable place for children to learn about the natural surroundings; the plazas, walking routes and terraces around the centre have made it more attractive to all visitors to Ozenuma and created an environment where they can enjoy nature. 

Review of prefectural nature parks considering environmental changes

Current projects include evaluating the status of nature parks and conducting nature environment surveys to discover new attractions and public transport to nature parks. Tadami-Yanaizu Prefectural Natural Park spans five towns in addition to Tadami Town in Fukushima Prefecture and was incorporated into the neighbouring Echigo-Sanzan Tadami National Park on 29 October 2021, following surveys and coordination with stakeholders and is managed in an integrated manner as the second largest new national park in Japan.   

The JR Tadami Line running through the Echigo Sanzan Tadami National Park area is a vital transport link for residents and tourists, attracting many domestic and foreign visitors due to its spectacular scenery. The Tadami Line is renowned for the views of breathtaking scenery which trains run through, with a total of 24 viewpoints along the line. The JR Tadami Line, as part of the initiatives, plays a vital role in promoting the attractions of the Nature Park. 

Touring around Fukushima Prefecture with a focus on national parks and quasi-national parks

Establishing tour routes around national parks and quasi-national parks, implementing tours and other activities, and utilising tour routes are under consideration. Public transport, such as buses and trains complimenting walking tours along routes, will also be assessed.   

Specifically, a long trail has been established that includes five parks, including Oze National Park and Bandai Asahi National Park, in its circuitous route. There are seven routes in total with 15 courses on the long trails which can be chosen according to the needs of long trail users, such as hot springs, railway viewpoints and shrines, and the difficulty of the courses ranges from general to intermediate level. These initiatives give more people, including long trail beginners, the opportunity to enjoy the nature of Fukushima. 

Top image: By BehBeh at Japanese Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37055740
