Japan Local Government Centre (JLGC) : London > Publications > Newsletter > Connecting Beyond Borders: The Annual JET Alumni Association UK AGM 



Connecting Beyond Borders: The Annual JET Alumni Association UK AGM 



Every year a gathering of minds takes place, forming a vibrant tapestry of cultural exchange and professional growth. The JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Alumni Association UK Annual General Meeting (AGM) stands as a testament to the enduring bonds forged through international collaboration and the transformative experiences of the JET Programme.  This year the AGM was held in Liverpool at the Adelphi Hotel and hosted by the JETAA North West England Chapter. 

The JET Programme, initiated by the Japanese government, invites young professionals from around the globe to live and work in Japan as Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) or Coordinators for International Relations (CIRs). Upon completion of their tenure, many alumni return home with a deep appreciation for Japanese culture and a network that extends far beyond geographical boundaries. 

Beyond nostalgia, the AGM is a platform for chapter development and networking. Workshops and seminars cover a range of topics relevant to alumni, including career advancement, cross-cultural communication, and opportunities for continued engagement with Japan and Japan related organisations. Over the years the five regional chapters of the UK, organise events which often including diplomats, scholars, and industry leaders, impart valuable insights, inspiring attendees to leverage their JET experience in diverse fields. 

Moreover, the AGM provides a forum for alumni to give back to the community. Through discussions and volunteer opportunities, attendees explore ways to promote cultural exchange and support current JET participants. Whether through mentorship programs, language exchange initiatives, or fundraising efforts, the alumni community remains committed to fostering lasting connections between Japan and the wider world. 

Central to the AGM is the sense of community that binds JET alumni together. Beyond shared memories, there is a collective sense of purpose—an understanding that their experiences in Japan have not only enriched their lives but also equipped them with the skills and perspective to effect positive change in their respective spheres. 

The AGM also serves as a celebration of diversity. While united by their JET experience, alumni come from a multitude of backgrounds, representing a mosaic of cultures, languages, and professional fields. This diversity enriches the exchange of ideas and fosters a spirit of inclusivity, reflecting the broader ethos of the JET Programme itself. 

In recent years, the AGM has embraced technology to broaden its reach and enhance engagement. Virtual attendance options and live-streamed sessions allow alumni unable to travel to London to participate remotely. This digital integration has not only facilitated greater inclusivity but has also enabled alumni to stay connected throughout the year, fostering a sense of community beyond the confines of the annual gathering. 

As the AGM drew to a close, and attendees bid farewell until the next AGM, there was a profound sense of renewal—a reaffirmation of the bonds that transcend time and distance. For attendees, the AGM is not merely an event but a reaffirmation of their journey—a testament to the enduring impact of the JET Programme and the enduring bonds with Japan forged along the way. 

In essence, the JET Alumni Association UK AGM is more than just a meeting; it is a celebration of cross-cultural understanding, professional growth, and lifelong connections. It is a testament to the transformative power of international exchange and the enduring legacy of the JET Programme. As alumni depart, their hearts are filled with memories of Japan and anticipation for the adventures that lie ahead, knowing that wherever their paths may lead, they carry with them the spirit of JET. 
