

JLGC News, January – March

JLGC staff were able to take part in the joint LGA and NALC Conference “Modeling Devolution: Working together to deliver local services”. Both LGA Chairman Sir Merrick Cockell NALC Chairman Cllr Ken Browse stated that the development of “localism” has also been recognised by central government as necessary. On the other hand, because of reduced budgets local authorities are cooperating with all sorts of citizen organisations in having to look for solutions in providing more effective ways of delivery public services.

The LGA Senior Advisor Mr John Right, involved in the development of “modelling devolution” explained the necessary thinking needed in order for upper level local authorities to cooperate with parish councils. NALC’s Justin Griggs, head of policy development, as well as clarifying the priorities of each region in the “neighbourhood plan”, stated that it was important to demonstrate the role of “parish representative” which a councillor has.

There was a keynote speech by the Cabinet Office policy minister Oliver Letwin, who expressed the recognition that there were difficulties with the need to improve services while cutting costs at the same time, that services were fundamentally linked to the respective needs of the region and that it was better to design those services on that basis. Further, he went on to state that in this way strengthening neighbouring areas would strengthen links between people, namely that the policy objective of plans to construct the social capital of human networks was also extremely important. There was also the comment from the audience that “there is much ignorance on behalf of civil servants and national politicians in relation to the business of parishes and local authorities”.

JLGC staff were also able to take part in a series of workshops during the day, one being on the issue of transferring assets to parishes. Concrete examples of asset transfer were given by Eastleigh Borough Council and Hedge End Parish Council in the south of England and there was a discussion about the concerns of such projects, and how to work with local communities to ensure smooth transition and allay fears of service reduction and degradation.

Other workshops attended included “increasing effectiveness through joint working” on shared services, “the charter approach” taken by Lancashire County Council in liaising and focusing on communication between the upper tier authority and parishes, which has effectively reduced complaints from the public. Another workshop was on “joint service provision”, introducing examples of West Devon Borough Council working effectively with Taunton Parish on flood defences.

Further issues discussed on the day were of devolution and how communities can benefit from its progression, and its importance for effectively supporting disadvantaged communities. Examples of these were Neighbourhood Community Budget Pilots, bringing together upper tier local authorities, parishes, housing associations and police.

Japan’s local regions and cities are also facing many of the budgetary issues seen in the UK, with the same pressures on communities and declining resources. This event was a great opportunity to see best practice in the UK, and further progress JLGC’s international learning role for Japanese local government staff. JLGC would like to thank our LGA and NALC partners for the invitation and opportunity to take part in some valuable learning.

JETAA UK AGM 2013, London

jetaukagm2013The JET Alumni Association Annual General Meeting was held in London this year on 9 and 10 March, at JLGC’s London offices in Whitehall, and attended by members of the chapters from all around the UK, including London, Wales, the Midlands and Scotland. JETAA members from the South East also attended to consult on a new chapter being set up in the area.

Director Yuichiro Hanyu, Assistant Director Atsuko Yamaguchi and Communications Manager Keith Kelly were also present along with Education and Sports Attaché Eiji Watanabe from the Embassy of Japan to the UK. JETAA UK is one of the largest alumni associations of its kind with 5,800 members to date.

The AGM was an opportunity to meet and review for the year what the JET Programme alumni communities are doing to support UK-Japan links, as well as JET through holding seminars and workshops for new participants going out to Japan and their families, about life in Japan and working on the Programme.

The AGM then looked at how the chapters can promote a network of alumni actively engaged in JET, after participants’ time in Japan. Ali Bond, involved in setting up the Midlands Chapter, a pioneer of the JET Programme at the start of the scheme and now working as an alumni relations professional, led a workshop on how to get the best out of such associations, with best practice and ideas for sustainable alumni relations. There was also discussion about events and projects committee members at a national and local level can hold to help former JETs into Japan and other related careers upon return to the UK.

The JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme was established in 1987 with the purpose of increasing mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the people of other nations. It aims to promote international links in Japan’s local communities by helping to improve foreign language education and developing international exchange at a community level.

JET participants are selected from 38 countries to fill the post of ALT (Assistant Language Teacher), SEA (Sports Exchange Advisor) or CIR (Coordinators for International Relations). The ALT and SEA posts are usually based in local schools; the ALTs provide language instruction (predominantly English) in schools; the SEAs promote international exchange through sport whilst the CIRs are based in town or city halls and work in the community on international exchange activities.

More information about JET and applications can be seen here, and the JETAA website can be seen here

JLGC would like to thank JETAA UK and the London Chapter for the invitation to join this years’ AGM and for organising a really productive and interesting even
